Reconnaissance et sources
Date de la dernière révision : 1er mai 2017. Une révision et une mise à jour complètes seront effectuées tous les deux ans et des mises à jour supplémentaires seront faites si de nouvelles études sont présentées.
Les renseignements résumés dans cet outil d’aide à la décision proviennent de lignes directrices sur la pratique clinique, de la littérature et d’organismes crédibles. L’élaboration de cet outil d’aide à la décision s’est fondée sur les critères du collectif International Patient Decision Aid Standards (normes internationales concernant l’outil d’aide à la décision pour les patients).
Lignes directrices
Lee SJ, Schover LR, Partridge AH, et al. American Society of Clinical Oncology recommendations on fertility preservation in cancer patients. J Clin Oncol.
Loren AW, Mangu PB, Beck LN, et al. Fertility preservation for patients with cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline update.J Clin Oncol.
Options de fertilité
Stratégie d’attente
Avis d’experts et Speroff L, Fritz M. Clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility. 8e éd. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2011. Chapitre 27, Fertility and Aging; p.
Congélation d’embryons et d’ovules
Avis d’experts et Canadian Assisted Reproductive Technologies Registry (CARTR) Plus. Final treatment cycle and pregnancy outcome data for 2014. Registre et réseau des bons résultats dès la naissance (Ontario). Ottawa (Ontario), septembre 2016.
Avis d’experts et American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Age and Fertility. Consulté le 31 octobre 2016.
Cil AP, Bang H, Oktay K. Age-specific probability of live birth with oocyte cryopreservation: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Fertility and sterility.
American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Risks of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Consulté le 31 octobre 2016.
Corbett S, Shmorgun D, Claman P, et al. The prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada.
Inhibition de l’activité ovarienne
Lambertini M, Ceppi M, Poggio F, et al. Ovarian suppression using luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists during chemotherapy to preserve ovarian function and fertility of breast cancer patients: a meta-analysis of randomized studies. Annals of Oncology.
In Vitro Maturation
McGill University Health Centre. In Vitro Maturation (IVM). Consulté le 30 août 2016.
Human Fertilization & Embryo Authority. What is in vitro maturation (IVM) and how does it work? Consulté le 31 août 2016.
Références générales
Azim HA, Kroman N, Paesmans M, et al. Prognostic Impact of Pregnancy After Breast Cancer According to Estrogen Receptor Status: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Azim HA, Jr., Santoro L, Pavlidis N, et al. Safety of pregnancy following breast cancer diagnosis: a meta-analysis of 14 studies. Eur J Cancer;47:74-83., 2016.
Société canadienne du cancer, 2016.
Cardonick EH. Overview of infertility and pregnancy outcome in cancer survivors. UptoDate.
Dalberg K, Eriksson J, Holmberg L. Birth outcome in women with previously treated breast cancer-a population-based cohort study from Sweden. PLoS Med.
Duffy C, Allen S. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Fertility After Cancer. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass).
Fertile Future, 2016.
Lambertini M, Del Mastro L, Pescio MC, et al. Cancer and fertility preservation: international recommendations from an expert meeting. BMC Medicine.
Partridge AH, Ruddy KJ. Fertility and adjuvant treatment in young women with breast cancer. The Breast.2007;16:175-181.
Stratégie d’attente
Avis d’experts et Speroff L, Fritz M. Clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility. 8e éd. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2011. Chapitre 27, Fertility and Aging; p.
Congélation d’embryons et d’ovules
Avis d’experts et Canadian Assisted Reproductive Technologies Registry (CARTR) Plus. Final treatment cycle and pregnancy outcome data for 2014. Registre et réseau des bons résultats dès la naissance (Ontario). Ottawa (Ontario), septembre 2016.
Avis d’experts et American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Age and Fertility. Consulté le 31 octobre 2016.
Cil AP, Bang H, Oktay K. Age-specific probability of live birth with oocyte cryopreservation: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Fertility and sterility.
American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Risks of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Consulté le 31 octobre 2016.
Corbett S, Shmorgun D, Claman P, et al. The prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada.
Inhibition de l’activité ovarienne
Lambertini M, Ceppi M, Poggio F, et al. Ovarian suppression using luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists during chemotherapy to preserve ovarian function and fertility of breast cancer patients: a meta-analysis of randomized studies. Annals of Oncology.
In Vitro Maturation
McGill University Health Centre. In Vitro Maturation (IVM). Consulté le 30 août 2016.
Human Fertilization & Embryo Authority. What is in vitro maturation (IVM) and how does it work? Consulté le 31 août 2016.
Références générales
Azim HA, Kroman N, Paesmans M, et al. Prognostic Impact of Pregnancy After Breast Cancer According to Estrogen Receptor Status: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Azim HA, Jr., Santoro L, Pavlidis N, et al. Safety of pregnancy following breast cancer diagnosis: a meta-analysis of 14 studies. Eur J Cancer;47:74-83., 2016.
Société canadienne du cancer, 2016.
Cardonick EH. Overview of infertility and pregnancy outcome in cancer survivors. UptoDate.
Dalberg K, Eriksson J, Holmberg L. Birth outcome in women with previously treated breast cancer-a population-based cohort study from Sweden. PLoS Med.
Duffy C, Allen S. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Fertility After Cancer. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass).
Fertile Future, 2016.
Lambertini M, Del Mastro L, Pescio MC, et al. Cancer and fertility preservation: international recommendations from an expert meeting. BMC Medicine.
Partridge AH, Ruddy KJ. Fertility and adjuvant treatment in young women with breast cancer. The Breast.2007;16:175-181.